Coordinating commitee

    A two parts standardized questionnaire (Report of LT and Follow-up report) was established by the ELTR Coordinating Committee (ELTR-CC). A standardized and computerized method for data entry has been developed to collect accurate and uniform data in all liver transplants across the European participating centres. Each Centre participates by sending the requested data of all the LTs and the follow-up of the recipients and living donors (cf. 1. Questionnaire, Database and Data transfer).

    The ELTR-CC is responsible for maintaining the data collection system, monitoring the quality of the data, and for statistical data analysis. The ELTR updating is made twice a year (at June 30th and December 31st). Data Analysis with adult and pediatric figures are then published and transmitted to all the participating centers Results. A set of updated PP slides is put in the website at the disposal of the authorized users (Documents to download.

    Periodical meetings are organized by the ELTR-CC to review the data and to discuss topics of scientific and clinical interest. The ELTR Coordinating Committee is composed of:

    Data Manager

    Vincent KARAM, PhD


    Valérie CAILLIEZ