About ELTR

    Privacy statement, data and information security policy

    The ELTR was created in 1986 with the following objectives: Registry of all liver transplantation (LT) procedures in Europe. Link between European liver transplant centers. Scientific use and publications. The ELTR collects data on adult and pediatric LT performed in all Europe with the (...)

    History and aims

    In October 16, 1985 at the time of a visit to Hannovre, Prof. Henri Bismuth proposed to the Prof. Rudolf Pichlmayer the idea to create a European Liver Transplant Registry (ELTR) as extension of the French registry that he had initiated before. Then, Sir Roy Calne from Cambridge University (...)


    From its inception the ELTR has been funded by money raised by individuals in the liver transplant community channeled through ELITA and the Paul Brousse University Hospital. Biomedical companies also participate with unrestricted educational and yearly grants. The size, completeness and (...)

    Data Communication and Publications

    The ELTR is increasingly present in scientific congresses with more than 10 communications per year (lectures and abstracts). The ELTR has also published 39 peer-reviewed articles in the main scientific journals. Once a year, ELTR send a Newsletter to all the contributing centers and ELITA (...)

    Coordinating commitee

    A two parts standardized questionnaire (Report of LT and Follow-up report) was established by the ELTR Coordinating Committee (ELTR-CC). A standardized and computerized method for data entry has been developed to collect accurate and uniform data in all liver transplants across the European (...)

    Data management

    1. Questionnaire, Database and Data transfer Participation to the Registry is voluntary. A standard questionnaire was established by the ELTR Experts Committee (ELTR-EC). The first part of the questionnaire includes data on LT indication, donor and recipient, technical aspects of LT (live (...)

    Quality Control

    Audit visits To compare information contained in the report with original source documents or database, additional measures have been taken and include site visits to the Centres. In 1997, the ELTR coordinating team appointed an independent committee: Vincent KARAM, France Bridget GUNSON, UK (...)